Buy a Velca motorcycle at a 52% discount with free registration and shipping


Too good to be true, right? Well, these are the things that happen when innovation, good ideas and execution come together. Velca, the Spanish brand of 100% electric vehicles, partners with ZeemGO, the first tokenized platform in the electric mobility sector. Thanks to this you can buy any of the fantastic Velca motorcycles by paying with ZeemCoins.

What do I have to do to receive this benefit? In a few clicks you can enjoy it. We teach you step by step:

1st: Enter the Tutellus Launchpad.

You can access through this link.

2nd: Access the IDO (Initial DEX Offering).

You can access through this link.

3rd: Participate in the special offer for being one of the first to access the token.

This will allow you to obtain ZeemCoins at 52% of its starting price (€0.12). The minimum is 300 bucks and there is no limit! The more you buy, the more profit you will have.


4th: Redeem your tokens.

Once the TGE (Token Generation Event) 03/07/23 is done, you will be able to redeem 8% of your ZeemCoins at €0.25, the rest you will receive little by little. Once you have enough ZeemCoins to buy a Velca with registration and peninsular shipping included, send an email to [email protected] and we will help you in the purchase process.


Important: All this is subject to investment, TGE percentage and vesting. And this is not investment advice, each investor must make their own decisions.